Open Call for public art and performances, workshops and talks/presentations 
for the exhibition-gathering “Libraries as gardens”, relating public space, body, 
digital arts and new media, during Analogio Festival Athens 21-27 September 2018 / Athens World Book Capital 2018


The exhibition “Libraries as gardens” invites you to collaborate with visual, digital, performing artists, writers and cultural workers. It is part of the forthcoming edition of Analogio Festival, September 21-27, 2018, with performing arts from around the world.  Analogio Festival has been annually organized since 2005 and in 2018 its focusing on Asia /Far East, including a tribute to South Africa, with workshops from international artists and in collaboration with the Unesco’s International Playwright’s Forum (IPF/ITI).

The exhibition “Libraries as gardens” will be conducted in collaboration with the Milena principle, Unesco’s International Playwright’s Forum (IPF/ITI), Drama School of the Greek Art Theater – Athens, Laboratory of Music Acoustics and Technology, as well as the Department of Education and Media of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

We are open to proposals for public art and performances, focusing on the creative potential of movement practices in the city. We applaude disciplinary diversity: performances and walking performances outdoors, and outdoors/indoors related performative visual/ installation, time-based media, virtual work, online-IRL hybrids, and others.

Creating and sharing imaginary libraries as gardens

We invite groups and individuals, to create and share performances, walks and installations that suggest innovative, experimental approaches to the city and its natural environment. The works should encompass engaging ways of intervening public spaces and relate  to Athens’ social/cultural/geographical fabric.

Topic Libraries as gardens

Buildings are for human being the same way as gardens are for trees. Gardens are places to walk and look, but not to live. How could a garden and its trees become a library? How humans and trees can interact in a garden? How can a garden be a more attractive place that can be used as it was a library. How can a garden become productive for the mind?

This concept is the theme of a project of co-creation with writers,  artists, performers, creatives of all disciplines and cultural workers with a focus on works involving sharing, intimacies, participation and collaboration.

Personal or remote participation

Artists can propose a participation on location, but are also encouraged to contribute remotely. The proposed  performative action / installation is meant to be performed remotely  by others (performers, public, or mixed) in Athens. We expect to receive a “manual”‘, a brief or a detailed movement score (step by step instructions for one performer/participant, two performers/participants, … a group/a crowd).

Selected performative works from the open call will be performed by volunteers (performers / dancers / movement artists / and the  public).  Participants are as well the audience. The performances are meant to be realized collaboratively to fully experience the works. In fact participants and public become part of it.

We call as well on artists, creatives, researchers and cultural workers to propose workshops and presentations relating to the theme.

Artistic works, workshops and talks/presentations

Artists and creative professionals of all fields are welcome to apply (performers, dancers, actors, musicians, sound artists, designers, painters, sculptors, new media artists, digital artists, internet artists, software and app developers, video artists, installation and technology artists, architects, social and community artists, writers, etc.). Artistic collectives, groups and artists with disabilities are strongly encouraged to participate. We encourage artists to engage with those less engaged, to empower those who are disempowered.

Via this open call, writers, artists and creatives are invited to apply with an idea, preferably (but not obligatory) in a collaboration, within the field of space, text and body, relevant to the theme. Performance, digital arts and new media will be the final form of the works, even though the artistic form of proposals can be wider, focusing on interaction and exchange.

We call as well on artists, creatives, researchers and cultural workers to propose workshops (max duration one day) and presentations relating to the theme.


Selected proposals will be part of the Analogio Festival 2018, in the form of performances (interactive with digital media), to be presented in venues and locations of passage and transition, across the city. In selected theatres and in the exhibition venue we will present selected works, as well possible in a documentary form (video/sound), next to presentations and workshops.


No production budget or another financial support for the artists can be offered, we do provide support during the exhibition, curatorial and artistic development, next to an important media and public campaign. We facilitate in letters of invitation, as well in support for travel grants for artists from Asia and Australia (ASEF travel grants, deadline 31 June) and STEP travel grants for artists from 59 countries in and around Europe (applying latest 60 days before travel date).


The exhibition and gathering investigates and wants to stimulate collaboration between performers, writers and digital artists in public space. Through creating an artistic network working on body and technology communication, we anticipate stimulating awareness, care and an incentive for public spaces reconsidering the cultural, political, ecological and human dimensions of our living environment.

Participation fee

A participation fee of 30 euros is applicable to the artists, and 50 euros for researchers, covering local costs, and giving access to all activities of the Festival. Participants that have limited financial possibilities can request a reduction or for the fee to be waived, with a justification. Libraries of Gardens is a non-profit event, without funding and realized by the volunteer efforts of all involved.


Please send us

– Full name of the applicant (for group/collective projects indicate the title of the group, full name of   the person representing OR leading the group).

– Postal address, telephone, country, email address, website (if available).

– Profession, discipline.

– Brief statement of the applicant, no longer than 200 words.

– Brief resume.

– A copy of passport/ID card (of every member of the group for collective projects).

– Subject line of email: “Libraries as gardens – Analogio 2018”.

– In the email include a brief 3-line statement summarizing your project.

Deadline for completed application: June 30, 2018 by e-mail on

For any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at the e-mail above.

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