Andreas Flourakis, Blind trust

Three individuals meet and get together out of weakness, necessity or calculation. The dominant element is the deck of cards, the Greek word for which—trapoula—comes from the Italian trappola = trap, deception. It brings together a gambler, a woman and a blind man. The cards are dealt and the game begins. Alternating at this table are love, dream and human relations, and the opponents are solitude, dominance and profit. These are cards that have been dealt, and it remains that they be played as best as possible.

(The WOMAN and MARK are sitting in MARK’s place)
MARK: How did you find me?
WOMAN: Easily.
MARK: Why do you play adjacent numbers?
WOMAN: Intuition, let’s say.
MARK: What kind of intuition is this that makes you lose so much?
WOMAN: Intuition cannot be always explained.
MARK: You don’t sound superstitious.
WOMAN: Neither do you.
MARK: I am sorry for the superstitious, they are easy prey to swindles.
WOMAN: Yes, but if you don’t mind my saying so, there is something strange going on here. Every time you leave the casino richer. There is some trick in all this.
MARK: No tricks.
WOMAN: What, then?
MARK: Trust in luck. Blind trust.
WOMAN: I don’t believe in trust, or in coincidence
MARK: And what do you want from me?
WOMAN: To help me win, too.
MARK: And what’s in it for me?
WOMAN: What do you want? Me?… Is there something else you want?
MARK: I have all I want.
WOMAN: Don’t let me waste your time, then.
WOMAN: What do you want? Me?… Is there something else you want?
MARK: I have all I want.
WOMAN: Don’t let me waste your time, then.
MARK: You will see something for me.
WOMAN: You can’t see at all?
MARK: It’s all a blur.
WOMAN: Since when? MARK: Always.
WOMAN: Alright, when you want me to see that ‘something’, give me a call.
(The WOMAN leaves.)

Director: Maritina Passari
Actors: Maritina Passari, Petros Lagoutis, Menelaos Hazarakis
Music: Stathis Ioannou

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