LIBRARIES AS GARDENS The online edition

The Festival programme includes a digital programme with video portraits of the authors participating in this year’s event, sound recordings, and the presentation of both online. There are also online events and encounters under the title “Libraries as Gardens”.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME “Evaluating a new play as a theatrical text”

This tryout workshop in the context of the Analogio Festival in Athens 2018 is a new way of exposing an unknown dramatic text, not merely as literary drama, but as a live theatrical text, open to variable interpretations and conceptions, both on the verbal level – subject to various translations (in case of a foreign play) – and on the staging level – given to a several directing and acting approaches, including inter-cultural and multi-medial.

Vouvoula Skoura WATER ON THE TABLE

Vouvoula Skoura, Water on the table Homage to Odysseus Elytis One year before the centenary of his birth. Memory notebook. Personal experiences detached from their flow. Family photos, from texts that were abandoned and I kept them. Heirlooms. Travelling to Aegina,...


Elias Venezis, Mount of Olives Actor Alexandra Pantelaki reads the short story in public venues, traditional coffee shops and historic monuments of Lesvos island, accompanied by guitarist Stamatis Mazaris Molyvos, Old Market 2/8, Thermi Beach 4/8, Mytilene, Teriade...