Eleni Chaviara With new eyes

A probe into the traumas caused by the seven-year dictatorship to those who experienced and, through them, to the next generation. Current events give rise to situations, awaken memories, uncover truths and lead the play’s four characters into conflicts among themselves and existential struggles against spectres of the past, against phobias and guilt which divide as well as unite them. This measuring against oneself and time forces them to see through different eyes, the eyes of today, a historic and political reality that marked their lives.

The stage is dark. A spotlight illuminates PAULINE.
Oh, my!… It drives me crazy… I have yet to get over the shock of the summer. It’s almost a month now and I am still trying to come to terms with it. How did it happen? I can’t believe it. I had a problem, like everyone else; it tormented, and I thought I’d try to resolve it like a civilized person. To deal with it scientifically; to get rid of the fear of betrayal that ruled my life. (Brief pause.) And when I think of how optimistic I was when the therapy started. I had let go, totally. I talked… and talked…
VIDEO. At the psychiatrist’s consultancy room, showing PAULINE; as in all sequences designated as “VIDEO”, the psychiatrist is off the screen; only his voice can be heard from time to time.
P: I must have fallen in love once. A student of science. There was something about him… Now that I think about it… I probably did fall in love with him. At first it was all nice and easy, but gradually I had this …fear growing in me. The anxiety that at some point he will lie to me. That he’ll try to trick me… trick me…
That was it.

Director: Victor Ardittis
Actors: Nikos Alexiou, Dimitra Vlagopoulou, Loukia Pistiola, Giannis Tsortekis

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