Vouvoula Skoura, Water on the table

Homage to Odysseus Elytis
One year before the centenary of his birth.

Memory notebook.
Personal experiences detached from their flow.
Family photos, from texts that were abandoned and I kept them. Heirlooms. Travelling to Aegina, first images, the sea-the Carte Blanche on my lap.
“It’s the girl the poet talks about… with a jug in her hand”. Milta
or the Archetype.
It is “Milta” the women of the Mediterranean. It is “Milta” of the Sea, of memory, of poetry.
Mainly of the poetry of speech, but also of the image.
So I abandoned myself to my memories, to the house, the book, the road. Summer, hot, the time when The Garden went into the Sea..
It is time for me to offer them to you, like WATER ON THE TABLE.

Video installation
Director, screenwriter: Vouvoula Skoura
Photography: Yannis Sariyannis
Editing: Yannis Daridis
Music: Nikos Papadogoulas
Costume designer: Erofili Politopoulou.
Constantina Takalou in the role of the Mediterranean women
Narrator: Chronis Pavlidis

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